Hey, friend!
I'm Dr Isla Fishburn and I have dedicated my life so far to learning, exploring, teaching and combining all of my skills and knowledge to make life better for you, for your dog(s) and for all of life. I am a scientist, zoologist, conservation biologist, canine wellness intuitive, animal channeller and shamanic practitioner and I combine science with sacred wisdom and Earth based teachings to better the life for our canine friends, as well as yourself! I combine my passions to expand your knowledge and connection to the intricacies of a dog's world and just how our own wellness can influence how our dog feels and responds! I am passionate about our dogs living happy and healthy lives, which by default, means I am passionate about you living a life you love and on a planet that is also healthy and happy. You see, the wellness of your dog is SO MUCH more than just focusing on him/her; it's about deepening our focus to the wider consciousness and intelligence of all life that you and your dog are and are a part of and one where we explore your dog as an individual ecosystem connected to a bigger ecosystem of the cosmos! I want you to live from soul consciousness with your animal friend to support both your wellness needs!
This is a course about your dog's wellness that is unique, just like your dog! With over SEVENTEEN HOURS (yes, you read that right) of film plus written content, I take you on a wonderful, easy to follow, in depth journey of canine wellness - emotional, physical, physiological, spiritual, nutritional and cellular nourishment. It also explores medicine offerings through plant spirit immersions, sound and more!
It combines science with spirituality, it combines canine health with human health, it combines the need to care for our earth to care for our dogs because, as you will discover, the health of your dog's and his/her cells is interconnected to the health of the Earth.
Being genetically ancient canines and, therefore, having an indigenous blueprint, Dr Isla explores how, why, when, what and who our dogs are as individuals, as social group animals, as ecosystems and, most importantly, as cellular beings whose energy states can become compromised through several "gateways" that affect the vibrational, emotional, physiological, mental, spiritual, nutritional and physical wellness of a dog.
The course is broken down in to four modules:
MODULE 1 - CANINE WELLNESS (14 lessons) The running theme is educating YOU not only about how we need to consider and understand a dog as a domestic animal, but first and foremost understanding our dogs as a genetically ancient canine living in a modern day world. From this perspective, this can create a constant state or prolonged state of sympathetic activation within a dog's ecosystem. I guide YOU through how to consider a dog as an ecosystem, what this means and the energy gateways of the canine wellness wheel (there is a human one too!). The wellness wheel “feeds” a dog's ancient immune, digestive, nervous and energy ecosystem and can influence anything from behaviour to illness. So, the first module begins with the canine wellness wheel and what this means. It takes you through the different energy gateways that can either feed a dog's ecosystem for resilience or one of distress and disturbance. It includes subjects such as safety, diet and digestion, social interactions, rest, emotional balance and so much more!
MODULE 2 - FUNCTIONAL CHARACTER AND GROUP DYNAMICS (17 lessons) This module explores ALL (well, not quite all) you need to know about how we can view a dog's functional character as a social group animal; how these different characters complement or oppose others when we look at group composition, interaction and multi-dog households. There are eight functional characters I discuss, that provide insight in to how these functional characters work, operate, what to expect, how to co-exist and their profiles. Within this section I also teach you about population dynamics and how we can understand group composition from the perspective of a dog; from a pure ecological and population dynamics perspective how we can learn when two or more dogs will complement, when they will oppose and the spatial and temporal changes in a group composition that we must consider.
MODULE 3 - LIFE STAGES AND BEING A SOCIAL CANINE (12 lessons) This module is all about life stages and being a social canine. This explores my teachings of what to include, do and allow when we have a puppy or rescue dog. It understands the dog from their perspective - their language, behaviour, communication, interaction and how we can co-exist with dogs fairly, respectfully and cooperatively. It explores the natural life stages dogs “graduate” through, how to support them with socialising and learning, how and why trauma can affect a dog and how this can impact their functioning and acceptance of their environment, play and so much more!
MODULE 4 - KACHINA WELLNESS (11 lessons) Finally, the last module is all about Kachina Wellness - it is a series of lessons that explore the more holistic therapies that I love to use to improve canine wellness. This includes shamanic drumming, plant medicine, other forms of energy medicine, body work, breath work and looking within ourselves to improve our dog's wellness! A huge part of my work is to empower YOU, too, to live from your true self and in a place of expansion and limitless beliefs; the place where we live from in our body, mind and spirit can and does really affect our dog too!
BONUS SECTION! (9 sections) There is also a huge bonus section that provides you with videos, instruction and guidance on some of the therapies I discuss within the modules so that you can practice on your own dogs.
If you’re ready to go deeper and sink in to the fascinating world of canine wellness then...let your wellness journey begin!